Visualization of Results

Plotting Maps

After calculating the maps, there will be a number of options for plotting. The xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset object has a number of methods for plotting the maps. Many of these method use the map_name argument to The xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.plot_map() method will prepare a plot of any of the maps.

Interactive (Qt) Viewer

Xanespy includes a graphical user interface that allows for interactive visualization of X-ray frames and maps. The viewer is launched from the command line and takes the path to a processed HDF file as its input. For some extra functionality, you can give the name of a metal K- of L- edge using the -k or -l argument respectively. See xanespy-viewer --help for a list of K and L edges available.

$ xanespy-viewer results/beamtime-analysis.h5 -k Ni

The data tree on the left of the window shows the possible datasets than be viewed. Choosing an entry with type “frameset” will load and plot the frames, spectra and histograms in the frame window. If a “map” entry is selected, the map window will be launched and the frames that went into making the map will be shown in the frame window.

In the interest of encouraging reproducibility, the ability to export plots has been intentionally left out. Any options selected in the GUI can be passed into the plot_map, plot_histogram or plot_spectrum methods of the frameset object. The name of the entry in the data tree is given as the keyword argument representation.

Qt View screenshot 1
Qt View screenshot 1

Screenshots of the Qt viewer. Frame window (top) and map window (bottom).