Importing Data into Xanespy =========================== The first step in any Xanespy workflow will be to **import the raw data into a common format**. These importer functions are written as needed: if your preferred beamline is not here, `submit an issue`_. APS Beamline 32-ID-C -------------------- The ``energy_scan`` script at 32-ID-C saves source data as an HDF file. Xanespy preserves the original ("source") file and saves imported and processed data in a second ("desination") HDF file to be used in later analysis. The source file can be easily imported: .. code:: python import_aps32idc_xanes_file(filename='source_xanes_example_scan_001.h5', hdf_filename='xanespy_destination.h5', hdf_groupname'example_scan_001', downsample=1, square=True) The camera at the beamline captures micrographs of 2048x2448. In most cases this is over-kill since the focusing power of the 60 nm zone-plate is not strong enough to take advantage of this. The extra pixel density can be converted into an improved contrast-to-noise ratio by the ``downsample`` parameter. This parameter controls how many pixels (to a power of two) are combined. In the previous example, ``downsample=1`` combines to :math:`2^1 = 2\times2` blocks and results in a (1024, 1224) image. ``downsample=2`` combines :math:`2^2 = 4\times4` blocks to produce a (512, 612) image. There are sometimes corner artifacts in the camera, independent of sample position: this can cause poor alignment of the imported data. An easy solution is to import the data with ``square=True``. This will crop the imported images to be square, discarding the corner artifacts. **Operando experiments** generate one HDF file per energy scan. Using the above approach would continually overwrite the imported data, leaving only the last scan in the import data store. To overcome this, the ``timestep`` and ``total_timesteps`` parameters should be used with :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_aps32idc_xanes_file`, or the related :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_aps32idc_xanes_files` function. Option 1: Loop through the files explicitly: .. code:: python # Populate a list of filenames, eg. with listdir() from the os module filenames = [] # Loop through the files an import then one at a time for idx, fname in enumerate(filenames): import_aps_32idc_xanes_file(fname, hdf_filename='my_XANES_data.h5', hdf_groupname='operando_001', timestep=idx, total_timesteps=len(filenames)) Option 2: Convenice function. .. code:: # Populate a list of filenames, eg. with listdir() from the os module filenames = [] # The function basically does what is shown in option 1 import_aps_32idc_xanes_files(filenames, hdf_filename='my_XANES_data.h5', hdf_groupname='operando_002') Any additional parameters given to the convenience function :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_aps32idc_xanes_files` will be passed directly to the inner :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_aps32idc_xanes_file` function. If using option 1, it is important that parameters controlling the data shape are consistent across calls: ``total_timesteps``, ``append``, ``downsample``, ``square`` and ``exclude``. SSRL Beamline 6-2c - Directory of XRM Files -------------------------------------------- In-house XANES scan scripts often save a directory full of ``.xrm`` files with the metadata coding in the filenames. From the Xradia TXM at SSRL beamline 6-2c, this XANES scan script can be generated with the in-house generator, and the results can then be imported with :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_ssrl_xanes_dir`. The list of energies is automatically extracted from the filenames. The reference frames will also be identified in the directory. Example usage: .. code:: python import xanespy as xp # First a script should be created with sector_8_xanes_script() # Once the script is done, import the data with this function xp.import_ssrl_xanes_dir("opearando_exp1/", hdf_filename="operando_experiments.h5") Ptychography from (ALS) ------------------------------- The output of the nanosurveyor reconstruction algorithm at saves the data in h5 files. :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_nanosurveyor_frameset` copies the reconstructed images and metadata from the individual files and combines them into a new HDF5 file for XAS analysis. The original CCD images are left in their original HDF5 files, so they should not be discarded. .. code:: python import xanespy as xp # This function copies the reconstructed images to a new file. xp.import_nanosurveyor_frameset('NS_160529047/') Given the slow nature of ptychography experiments, it may be necessary to capture an XAS scan into multiple chunks. Passing ``append=True`` to the importer allows **datasets to be combined**: .. code:: python import xanespy as xp # The first data-set is imported like normal except that the # groupname and filename to save under are explicit. xp.import_nanosurveyor_frameset('NS_160529047/', hdf_filename='my_ptycho_data.h5', hdf_groupname='my_combined_experiment') # Now subsequent scans get the ``append=True`` argument xp.import_nanosurveyor_frameset('NS_160529048/', hdf_filename='my_ptycho_data.h5', hdf_groupname='my_combined_experiment', append=True) xp.import_nanosurveyor_frameset('NS_160529049/', hdf_filename='my_ptycho_data.h5', hdf_groupname='my_combined_experiment', append=True) It may be necessary to only import a subset of the frames collected in a given directory. For example, if the last frame drifted out of the field-of-view and was re-collected in the next set of energies. The arguments ``energy_range`` and ``exclude_re`` can be used to fine-tune the list of importable files. See the documentation for :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_nanosurveyor_frameset` for more details. .. _submit an issue: .. [#ole] If you're shopping for a container format for your new data storage project, I would recommend AGAINST Microsoft OLE. This format stores data in raw binary, meaning that you need to know the encoding and structure to get meaningful data out. Instead, try **HDF5**: a nice open-source, well documented, type-aware format with bindings in many languages. It even plays nicely with numpy out of the box. Xradia Image Files (.xrm and .txrm) ----------------------------------- Xradia microscopes use the Microsoft OLE container format, which is not easily read [#ole]_. Individual scan files are generally not that helpful anyway. But in case you need it, there are some adapters to ``.xrm`` and ``.txrm`` files, namely :py:class:`xanespy.xradia.XRMFile` and :py:class:`xanespy.xradia.TXRMFile`. .. note:: The specification for ``.xrm`` files is not public, so these classes are reverse-engineered and may not be (definitely aren't) perfect. If you encounter problems, please `submit an issue`_. Opening xrm or txrm files is best done via the context manager: .. code:: python import xanespy as xp import numpy as np # Single-image xrm file with xp.XRMFile('my_txm_image.xrm') as f: img = f.image_data() assert img.ndim == 2 # (row, col) # Multi-image txrm energy stack file with xp.TXRMFile('my_txm_stack.txrm') as f: # Get images one at a time by index img = f.image_data(idx=0) assert img.ndim == 2 # (row, col) # Get images all at once in one big array stack = f.image_stack() assert stack.ndim == 3 # (prj, row, col) assert np.array_equal(img, stack[0]) # Get X-ray energies for the images energies = f.energies() assert len(energies) == stack.shape[0] The :py:class:`~xanespy.xradia.XRMFile` and :py:class:`~xanespy.xradia.TXRMFile` classes accept an optional ``flavor`` keyword argument. This option affects several pieces of metadata. See the :py:class:`~xanespy.xradia.XRMFile` documentation for details. APS Beamline 8-BM-B - Energy Stack (TXRM) ----------------------------------------- .. note:: The X-ray microscope that was temporarily at beamline 8-BM has been returned to NSLS-II. These functions are retained for compatibility with previously collected data. The Xradia microscope can save an entire stack in one ``.txrm`` file. This file can be imported using the :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_aps8bm_xanes_file` function. The list of energies is automatically extracted from the file. The reference frames will then reside in a different ``.txrm`` file. Example usage: .. code:: python import xanespy as xp xp.import_aps_8BM_xanes_file('exp1-sample-stack.txrm', ref_filename='exp1-reference_stack.txrm', hdf_filename='txm-data.h5', groupname='experiment1') .. note:: Currently this function can only import one XANES stack; time-resolved measurement is not implemented. If you would find this feature valuable, please `submit an issue`_. APS Beamline 8-BM-B - Directory of XRM Files -------------------------------------------- .. note:: The X-ray microscope that was temporarily at beamline 8-BM has been returned to NSLS-II. These functions are retained for compatibility with previously collected data. In-house XANES scan scripts often save a directory full of ``.xrm`` files with the metadata coding in the filenames. From the Xradia TXM at sector 8-BM-B, this XANES scan script can be generated with :py:func:`~xanespy.beamlines.sector8_xanes_script`, and the results can then be imported with :py:func:`~xanespy.importers.import_aps8bm_xanes_dir`. The list of energies is automatically extracted from the filenames. The reference frames will also be identified in the directory. Example usage: .. code:: python import xanespy as xp # First a script should be created with sector_8_xanes_script() # Once the script is done, import the data with this function xp.import_aps_8BM_xanes_dir("opearando_exp1/", hdf_filename="operando_experiments.h5")