****************** Analyzing the Data ****************** After importing the data, you will likely need to process and analyze the frame set. This is done through the :py:class:`xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset` class. Most **processing and analysis steps are provided as methods on this class**, so the first step is to create a frameset object. .. code:: python import xanespy as xp # Use the same HDF file and groupname as when importing fs = xp.XanesFrameset(filename='my_analysis.h5', groupname='experiment1', edge=None) Defining an Absorbance Edge =========================== Some steps in the analysis process require knowledge of the X-ray absorbance edge to function properly. To use these features, you'll need to define and absorbance edge for the element in question. You can also use one of the pre-defined edges, either directly or by the shortcuts :py:obj:`xanespy.edges.k_edges` or :py:obj:`xanespy.edges.l_edges`. .. code:: python import xanespy as xp # Using a pre-made edge by name fs = xp.XanesFrameset(edge=xp.k_edges['Ni'], ...) # Using a pre-made edge by reference fs = xp.XanesFrameset(edge=xp.edges.NCANickelKEdge(), ...) # Defining your own edge class CuKEdge(KEdge): name = 'Cu' E_0 = 8978.9 shell = "K" pre_edge = (8940, 8970) post_edge = (9010, 9200) edge_range = (8970, 9010) map_range = (8970, 9010) fs = xp.XanesFrameset(edge=CuKEdge(), ...) Forking the Data ================ After long computations it can be helpful to create a copy of the dataset as a sort of checkpoint. To enable this, the :py:class:`xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset` class includes the :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.fork_data_group()` method: it creates a copy of the HDF group. The active set can be changed by setting the ``data_name`` attribute on a :py:class:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset()` object. Most operations enabled by the :py:class:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset` class are not idempotent, so starting from a clean dataset may be necessary: .. code:: python import xanespy # Select an imported hdf file to use frameset = xanespy.XanesFrameset(hdf_filename="...") # Make sure we're starting with clean data frameset.data_name = "imported" # Create a copy as a checkpoint frameset.fork_data_group("aligned") # Do some work that we're not sure will succeed frameset.align_frames(passes=5) # If the alignment doesn't work right, # we can switch back to the original data and try again frameset.data_name = "imported" frameset.fork_data_group("aligned") frameset.align_frames(passes=3) The :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.fork_data_group` method can be slow for large datasets. Xanespy will raise exceptions for non-sensical requests for forking: trying to copy a group onto itself, using a datagroup that doesn't exist, etc. Frame Alignment =============== In order to acquire reliable spectra, **it is important that the frames be aligned properly**. Thermal expansion, motor slop, sample damage and imperfect microscope alignment can all cause frames to be misaligned. **It is often necessary to align the frames before performing any of the subsequent steps.** This is done with the :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.align_frames()` method: .. code:: python import xanespy # Select an imported hdf file to use frameset = xanespy.XanesFrameset(hdf_filename="...") # Run through five passes of the default phase correlation frameset.align_frames(passes=5, plot_results=True) .. figure:: images/alignment-boxplot.svg :alt: Box and whisker plot of translations. With the ``plot_results`` argument, a box and whisker plot is generated showing the distribution of corrections needed for aligning each frame. Several passes help reduce the error. The alignments are generally done with subpixel resolution, which gives improved accuracy, but requires interpolation. To avoid problems with accumulated error, a cumulative translation matrix is kept and applied at the end to the original data. You can add your own translation manually using the :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.stage_transformations()` method. If :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.align_frames()` is called with ``commit=False``, then the alignment parameters are added to :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.stage_transformations()` but not applied. Once all transformations are staged, the :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.apply_transformations()` method will apply the cumulative transformation matrix and (by default) save the result to disk. If the starting alignment is particularly sporadic, a false minimum can result in an exception or a very small image that doesn't provide useful information. In these cases, it may be necessary to first stage a template registration then perform several passes of phase correlation:: fs = XanesFrameset(hdf_filename="...") # Eg. use the 22nd energy and a range of the image as the template template = fs.frames()[21, 110:425, 150:450] plt.imshow(template, cmap="gray") fs.fork_data_group('aligned') fs.align_frames(method="template_match", template=template, commit=False) fs.align_frames(passes=5, commit=True) Median Filtering ================ There are three options for applying a median filter, with each one having a different purpose. The larger the size of the kernel given, the longer it will take to apply the filter. Filter When Importing --------------------- Area detectors often have some number of **bad pixels**, either hot pixels or dead pixels. Applying a mild median filter when using one of the importers in :py:mod:`xanespy.importers`, the raw data can fix most of these problems. Some beamline importers apply this by default. The **3D filter** can also include the energy dimension, but this is not recommended since the frames haven't been aligned yet: .. code:: python import xanespy as xp xp.import_aps32idc_file(median_filter_size=(1, 5, 5)) Filter When Aligning -------------------- When aligning frames with :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.align_frames()`, it may be helpful to apply an **aggressive median filter to blur each image** before registration so that noise and fine details have less impact. This **2D filter** is only applied to the images in memory, so does not apply to the final result. .. code:: python import xanespy as xp fs = xp.XanesFrameset(...) fs.align_frames(median_filter_size=(5, 5)) Filter After Aligning --------------------- Depending on the scientific question being addressed, a **final median filter after aligning** maybe desireable. This **4D filter**, applied with :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.apply_median_filter()`, provides a trade-off between temporal, spatial and energy resolutions: The larger the kernel along one dimension, the less resolution you'll be able to see but the higher the signal-to-noise in the other dimensions. .. code:: python import xanespy as xp fs = xp.XanesFrameset(...) fs.align_frames(...) kernel = (3, 3, 5, 5) # (time, energy, row, col) fs.median_filter(kernel) Subtracting Surroundings ======================== Sometimes there are differences in the absorbance of the whole frame, including background material. This can be removed from each frame using :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.subtract_surroundings`, giving a better spectrum: .. code:: python fs = XanesFrameset(hdf_filename="...") fs.subtract_surroundings() .. figure:: images/subtract-surroundings.svg :alt: Spectrum showing before and after subtract_surroundings The effect of the :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.subtract_surroundings()` method. Calculating Maps ================ Several basic maps can be create with the :py:meth:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset.calculate_maps` method. These maps will be saved in the HDF5 file alongside the frames. .. code:: python import matplot.pyplot as plt from xanespy import xp fs = xp.XanesFrameset() fs.calculate_maps() # Visualize one of the newly created fs.plot_map(map_name='optical_depths_mean') More fine-grained mapping is planned and will be available soon. Fitting Spectra =============== When numerical methods are insufficient, it may be necessary to fit the pixel spectra with a model function and extract parameters from the model. A comprehensive guide can be found on the page :ref:`Fitting`.