Accessing the Data Directly =========================== While the :py:class:`~xanespy.xanes_frameset.XanesFrameset` class has methods for common tasks, sometimes it is necessary to access the data directly, as either numpy arrays or h5py datasets. The xanes_frameset has a :py:meth:`` method that returns an interface (``TXMStore``) to the underlying HDF5 file. .. warning:: The ``TXMStore`` created by ```` is attached to an open HDF5 file. It is strongly recommended to use the ``with`` statement described below. Otherwise make sure to call the store's ``close()`` method in a ``try...except`` block. File corruption is likely if not opened in this manner. Call the following to get access to the associated datasets. Properties of the interface will return an HDF5 dataset in most cases.:: import xanespy as xp frameset = xp.XanesFrameset(...) # Open the TXMStore interface with as store: # For example, the images are in (timestep, energy, row, column) order assert store.absorbances.shape == (10, 62, 1024, 1024) # Energies are in (timestep, energy) order assert store.energies.shape == (10, 62)